Hello, I’m Deborah Hanekamp.
You may know me as Mama Medicine, but my name is Deborah - it means busy bee.
I am here to empower people to be their own healer through a healing modality I transmit called Medicine Readings. This is the only career I’ve had and have been doing this work for over two decades.
As I get older, I feel I have less and less to prove about who I am. I feel that the Medicine that I transmit is more why you are here reading this rather than the details of little old me. I will tell you a bit more about my background here but Dear One, these details do not matter.
When we meet I do my best to set myself aside and open up to the love that wants to flow through me, this takes great practice and discipline as we humans have an incredible tendency to attach ourselves to our stories. What really matters is if your intuition is telling you to book a Medicine Reading, join a ceremony or a retreat, the more my work evolves the more I try to take myself out of it, but if you are still really curious click here.