Welcome to the Monthly Medicine for August. This month's theme is Release, Reflect, Restore, Replenish and this is just such a powerful time to really allow yourself to go into rest mode, you know, really just holiday, vacation, the importance of down time.... We begin the month with Lughnasadh, it's a celebration of light and it's a celebration of early harvest, the fruits of our labor, and the hard work that we've done being returned to us. The sun is like this big lion in the sky, shining down on us, giving us courage, giving us hope, giving us strength, and with all of the transitions and changes and insights that the summer and this past year up until this date has brought you, it's just such an amazing time to reflect on everything that you have grown. What have you grown this year? And, maybe think about, with whatever it is that you're harvesting, how can you replant, how can you replenish from where you've harvested from? And this is from within yourself and this is from within the Earth. Down time is needed so much and this is why the universe guides us with so many planets being in retrograde at this time. Retrograde... we look at retrogrades as this big, bad thing, but all it is is a slowing down... and because we don't like to slow down, because we've always been on the go, because we've been so focused on what's next rather than what's now and that's been part of our mentality for so long... we hear the word retrograde in regards to any planet (not just Mercury) and we think, oh no, that means everything is going to stop, that means everything is going to end, that means everything is going to fall apart, but actually allowing ourselves down time, allowing ourselves holiday, allowing ourselves time to just restore and reflect on everything that has been growing for us for this year, strengthens us. It doesn't slow us down -- or it does slow us down, but it doesn't take any thing away from us. It's important. In fact, the slowing down helps us to see a little bit into where we could be headed, where we could be going to. The slowing down, also, is so incredibly important for our creative spirits and for having creative courage and for trusting our ability to create whatever it is our spirits are guiding us toward. If we are always in this place of go, go, go, go, go or rush, rush, rush, rush, rush, or this thing and then that thing and then this thing and then that thing, then we're never really getting the chance to see maybe where things are unraveling a bit, where things could be falling apart, where mending is needed. And as soon as we take some time out to rest and reflect, we can all of the sudden see the common threads between areas in our lives, we can see what is needed, we can see or we can maybe feel or have a sense of what is to come. And we have this beautiful celebration of light with Lughnasadh and then we have the 8/8 Lion's Gate Portal - a really strong evening out, a deep deep feeling of unity, and also the courage to allow ourselves to feel connected to everyone and to everything. I hope that for you, this time brings about awareness of a deep appreciation of the simple things in life and also the simple things about you that make you who you are... an appreciation of the simple things about yourself that make you who you are... and just feeling into that... the way you care for your children, your plants, your beautiful animals. Your ability to problem solve. All your little quirks. Just really appreciating what makes you, you. And having the courage to appreciate the simple things in life. Understanding how very little you need. How very little planning and preparation you need. How very little things you need. Just the simple things in life. Really enjoying them and letting them in. And letting that appreciation of the simple things in life help you to feel more and more connected to all of life. So, enjoy this month of rest, reflection, healing. I hope it opens your heart. I hope it helps you to remember who you truly are. I hope that it helps you to put your faith in divine will and to trust that whatever is meant to come to you will come to you. Whatever is meant for you is going to come to you. That you are totally worthy of receiving all of the gifts in life and the absolute best in life. It is all already coming to you without you fixing or consuming without you planning too much, without you focusing in on too much, without you cultivating -- you know it is already coming. I think about the plants who, at this time of year, begin going to seed, and the way that the plant itself provides itself with everything it needs to continue to grow. And, we are not so different from plants. We do have everything that we need to be able to grow. It's the simplest simplest simplest things in life. So, enjoy this time. Celebrate. Have so much fun. And I'm just sending you a big, golden light, like sunrays, all around you.