• What a beautiful month of transition November is! If you're connecting with me here on November 1st, we're connecting with the energy of Samhain: a day of honoring ancestors. To me, it's just so beautiful how this day, at this time, or these 3 day window of October 31st, November 1st, and November 2nd, is felt almost worldwide of a time to honor ancestors. From wherever you are on Earth right now, you must feel a lot transitioning around you, changing around you, a lot moving around you, as we go into a place of calm -- or, if you're in the Southern Hemisphere, as you go into that feeling of summer coming -- but either way, I think about transformation at this time and change. For me, the energy of this month is the Sacred Flame and the idea that this energy of fire and really transform so much. Perhaps of the four elements, this is the element that is the most feared, but the Sacred Flame, the holy flame, is a flame of transformation, it's a flame helping us to go into it, to purify ourselves, to clear away anything that is not needed or anything that prevents us from really feeling in total unity with ourselves... from really feeling that our soul and our body are soulmates, that we are our own soulmates... from really feeling that personal wholeness, because really, to be whole is to be holy. To be whole, to be complete, to own our shadow, to own our past, to own where we come from, who we come from, honor our ancestors, honor who we come from -- this is the whole self. Ideally we want to be healing from the whole self. To heal from the whole self. I want to be a whole self healer. I want to be a healer who is also human. I want to be a healer who has a shadow and who chooses light. I want to be a whole self healer. I want to be my own healer. I want to be my whole self healer. I think about this idea of the flame and the energy of passion and I think about the energy of love, like that sacred heart fire, that sacred heart flame. I think about true love and I think about feeling that sense of unity with another and how beautiful it is that this is a dream that so many of us have, that so many of us want... we cherish. We yearn for. There's something inside of us calling us towards finding that true love. Not a half love, not a partial love, not a love that only pretends to be light or only looks good on paper, but a whole love. And I feel, the more we allow ourselves to step within our own energy and really allow the flame within to purify us enough, to have us call in our inner child, to not always constantly be reliving the hard times, but to remember the good times, too that we had to because we all had them... there were good times, too, remember those... it's not always about having to relive the past, you also sometimes just have to remember that at some points things were good too. The more we go into the flame, the sacred flame... it's our flame, it's our aura -- our aura is like a flame of color -- the more we go into it and allow ourselves to be purified, we allow ourselves to become whole, the more we can easily identify what is a whole love. What is a true love. Or what is going to be another one of those almost loves, those half loves. It takes a lot of work to be whole. There's a lot that can be hard to acknowledge about ourselves. It's so easy to call another person a narcissist. It's so easy to point the finger out. But that rarely rarely helps us to go, "wait, how did I participate in this?" "Where was my contribution to this energy?" And so really really owning ourselves, our perceived failures, the mistakes we made, our ability to gain wisdom -- we have so much wisdom to gain here -- this will help us to be whole. So I want to bring to you this month honoring your past, even celebrating your past. Go back. Go way back. Go back to your past lives. Go back to your ancestors. Go way way back. Remember. Remember who you are. Remember who you come from. Remember the good times. Remember the happy times. Don't get so caught up in the story of the pain. Own the pain, but don't get so caught up in it. Don't let it define you. Don't let it become your excuse for not living your life, for not allowing yourself to be in that whole love with yourself, with another, with all of existence. I hope you have a really beautiful month. Take so much care and I'll see you soon.


