• The theme of the month for August is Fulfillment... understanding how much have, how gifted we really are, and taking care of and appreciating what we have. This is a big, big work of DeManifestation. There's nothing wrong with manifestation, but before we call more in, let's make sure we're appreciating what we already have. Before we need to get this piece of paper that signifies some accolade or before we need to get that bigger house or that fancier car, are we appreciating how far we've already come, how much we've learned? It's so easy to be in a constant state of "what's next?" "what's next?" "what's next?" Okay, I did this. I don't even take a moment to celebrate it. I'm too focused on what's next, what's next, what's next. It's so easy to be in a place of what's next, but I think happiness is really appreciating where we are now. I think happiness and presence are deeply, deeply connected to each other. I think happiness is about understanding and appreciating what's now. Can you be fulfilled with who you are today? A big part of it is allowing the light and the shadow within you to meet each other, to be friends... to not try to discard some part of yourself that you don't think is worthy, but seeing the worth in all the different parts of you. What's now? Presence. Presence is a wholeness. There's a wholeness to presence. It's a calling ourselves in, and going woah, woah woah... you don't need that. You don't need that. You don't need to add anything. You're enough. This is enough. Life is enough. There's a powerful, powerful sense of freedom that comes with allowing ourselves to be fulfilled. You know, healing... a lot of times people think healing is fixing. You know... if I could just fix this one thing about myself or that one thing about myself, then this will happen for me, you know? But healing actually more is about allowing ourselves to be at peace with what is and then creating space around where there might be any discord or disharmony. Entering these places with a sense of being at peace with what is and then allowing ourselves to just create space for balance to occur. It's very simple actually. Healing is not fixing... it's not fixing. I think I would be wary of any body who told me that it would be. I think... you know I love... The manifestation work... I think it's so beautiful, but the reason I bring DeManifestation forward so often and so much and especially for this month, is because in manifestation work, there's a lot of fixing. Oh, if I just heal my inner child, then I'll get that job that I want, then I'll find that lover, and it's actually like, well, your inner child doesn't need to be fixed. Your inner child has a lot teach you and a lot to share with you and the wounds are important for us. The wounds have a lot of medicine in them. There's a lot of wisdom. Every time in which you were ever wounded, there's something to learn there. And I think that when we try to fix, there can be a repercussion of self-destructiveness that comes with the realization that in fact we did not fix that thing that we thought that we fixed. So, I think fulfillment also is fulfillment with our life's stories and what our life has brought us and everything that we've endured and everything that we've come through. So I wish you a powerful, powerful month of Fulfillment and health and presence and happiness.


