sacred rebels,  

In a culture that prizes what is next over what is now, taking time to be with ourselves and listen to our inner voice is an act of sacred rebellion. 

While July’s energy pushed us towards challenging growth, August offers a counter-balance theme: Release, Reflect, Restore, Replenish. (If you missed that channeled message, click here.

Have you taken the time to honor all you have been through since the start of the year? To integrate and celebrate? To contemplate, release or let go? 


To support you in your reflection, here are the themes of the 2022 Mama Medicine Collective Aura readings so far. 

 January: Build the Dream
February: Prayer & Abundance 
March: Sacred Union
April: Initiation
May: For the Future Generations
June: Vision
July: Growth Through Challenge

If you’re called to go into deeper reflection, click below for the full channeled message for each of these themes along with journal prompts to guide you. The prompts can also be used as a guiding card spread with your favorite oracle card or tarot deck. 

In deep reflection, 

∞ Deborah ∞

January: Build the Dream

Journal Prompts/Card Spread to Build the Dream 

What is a dream that doesn’t go away? How have you taken steps toward building this dream? What supports and replenishes you when you are building your dreams? What dream is it time to let go of? 

February: Prayer and Abundance

Journal Prompts/Card Spread for Prayer and Abundance

What do you feel is abundant for you this year? Keep in mind that sometimes our abundance is in a form that is unacknowledged by our cultural norms. What is an authentic way of praying for you? How have you cultivated prayer into your daily life? What is your way of celebrating or giving back for the abundance you receive? 

March: Sacred Union

Journal Prompts/Card Spread for Sacred Union

What relationships have felt sacred to you this year? In what ways have you tended to these unions? What have your sacred relationships given you? What do you contribute to your most sacred unions? What is your relationship to letting others in? How does sacred union affect your own creative endeavors?

April: Initiation

Journal Prompts/Card Spread for Initiation

What initiations have you experienced this year? What has felt like a ceremonious portal into a new phase of life, or perhaps an experience you had that broke you open? What new beginnings have brought you into deeper knowing of who you are? What is a practice or tool you have to ground yourself during an initiation? 

May: For the Future Generations

Journal Prompts/Card Spread For the Future Generations

How have you been acting in honor and respect for the future generations? How about the future generations of plants, animals, soils, and other living beings? What do you want to recommit to at this moment? What is something you have been gifted by the Future Generations? How can you say thank you? 

June: Vision

Journal Prompts/Card Spread for Vision

What is a vision you have received this year? What in your life supports this vision? What helps you to gestate, dream with and imagine this vision a bit more? Are there any visions that it is time to let fall away? What gives you the courage to have faith in your visions? 

July: Growth Through Challenge

Journal Prompts/Card Spread for Vision

What is a challenge you have recently faced that helped you grow? What resources do you have to support yourself when you are faced with a challenge? What does growth feel like for you? What small acts of joy can you commit to during challenging times? 


