One of the most advanced practices we can have with being our own healer is self reflection. To be able to be both the Active Participant and the Silent Observer with every thought we think, word we say, and action we take. To be able to be unattached to ways in which we identify ourselves, this name, this body, this age, from this place while simultaneously working toward understanding all the different particles that make up the sum of who we are. 

To project things onto others is easy. You know projection, it's the whole “this shitty thing is happening to me because of _____, or it’s _____’s fault that _____ is happening.

But to reflect… to be able to pull back and look at what our own role in a circumstance has been, and then accept who we are, where we have been and what we have done with fierce grace, that’s when the healing can truly begin.

Self reflection is the key to self compassion, self compassion is the key to creating a more compassionate world. 

Relationships can be a perfect mirror. Especially when there is true love, you can see the places where you need healing, where you need growth, reflected back to you in the eyes, words and actions of the ones who love you. 

***But Sensitive Soul, beware! This doesn’t mean that you are responsible for another’s path, life choices or actions. 

And please always remember that someone who truly loves you will never try to change you.

We are each our own universe, no one can tell you where you should go or what you should do because they don’t have your unique magic. Someone who truly loves you will respect the universe that you are.*** 

What is revealed can be healed. Through true love you are seen, all of you, seen. And if another can see you, all of you, then you can also see and therefore heal yourself. 

Eclipse season acts as a perfect mirror to us. Giving us time to reflect on the places where we need healing and growth, resistance to this reflective time can create a sense of chaos within. Mercury Retrograde encourages us that it’s best to surrender, no cultivating, no pushing, taking a break from the active participant and becoming the Silent Observer. 

“You don’t have to act crazy anymore—
We all know you were good at that,
Now retire, my dear,
From all that hard work you do
Of bringing pain to your sweet eyes and heart.
Look in a clear mountain mirror
See the beautiful ancient warrior
And the divine elements 
You always carry inside
That infused this universe with sacred life
So long ago”

— Hafiz


