The Career Path of the Healer

In New York in the early 2000s, to hear someone talk about healing through a non-dogmatic lens was rare. The internet hadn’t bloomed yet into what it is now, and finding your people took a lot of groundwork, a little luck, and a lot of courage. At some point I got used to feeling like I was meant to work alone to share ideas based on my own Original Essence, ideas I hardly heard anyone else bringing forward, like Universal Ceremony, or Being Your Own Healer. 

In the past few years, my one-on-one Medicine Readings have shown me that as a space holder, I am not meant to feel alone or work alone at all. The healing gifts of so many are rising to the surface. All over the world people are remembering the truth of who they really are, why they are here, and how much their unique energy is needed at this time. 

How Long Does It Take To Create An Apprenticeship

If I am being honest, I have been flirting with the idea of apprenticeship for at least ten years. I used to believe I could teach others how to see auras or do what I did. After experimenting with apprenticeships here and there, I felt that in order for me to apprentice others, I had to know who I was so deeply that creating a container for others to remember who they are would feel as natural as breathing. I decided it would take me twenty years of gathering my own experiential wisdom before I could offer an apprenticeship that felt right and authentic to who I am.

And so for twenty years, I gathered.

I spent two decades navigating an extremely rich, yet confusing landscape of healers and charlatans alike. I spent two decades practicing this and that modality, learning more about the plants from the most ancient cultures in the world, working three jobs to save up to take in-depth trainings across the ocean. I also spent two decades sometimes falling into traps that caused me to put something in front of my own authentic light - sometimes a teacher, other times a modality, but more often than not, someone else’s connection and understanding of the divine. 

How Does the Healing Light Manifest?

In 2024, there is no doubt in my heart that those who carry the healing light are being called forward. Some of them are unearthing their psychic gifts or their ability to heal through touch. Others heal through their songs, their paintings, their writing, their heart-led art, and still others by an immense presence that is felt everywhere they go: from their dining room table to the boardroom.

I see so many gifted people falling into the same traps that I did when I was first learning about my healing light. For some, the trap is not being able to recognize their own healing energy. For others, the trap is making themselves in someone else’s image, and for most, the trap is feeling unworthy of their own gifts, of the bigness in them, of the nourishment their spirit yearns for to support their innate talents. 

How Can I Use My Gifts Wisely?

The experience I have gathered is not just for me. I have learned so much from the Earth and the elements about how to hold space for pilgrimages and spiritual travel since 2005 when I learned the (sometimes hard) lessons of creating a retreat. What I learned could not be taught to me without me finding my own way and making my own path. I believe that all the healing work I did on myself to humanize the healer and develop a healthy will was always meant to share, as the trees share their blooms, their roots, their leaves, and their seeds as medicine for us all, but to share in a way that guides others while also allowing them to make their own path.

What If We Have Fear of Being a Healer? 

This world is so full of stories of separation, of feeling like without completely molding ourselves to something outside of us, we will never be loved or supported by this universe as healers, as mothers, as business owners, as women-identifying people. These stories don’t just hurt us, they cover our deepest memories of who we really are. Besides feeling and noticing that people’s gifts are coming to the surface, I also see a deeper readiness in the collective to confront the pain of living within the illusion of unworthiness. No matter how hard they work or how much raw talent they have, this illusion of being unworthy of their own light creates a sense of stuckness that I know very well. I also know how to transform that pain into something that becomes a healing balm that can be shared with many. Those in the apprenticeship learn how to transform the wounded healer into a balm of their own, too. 

Throughout my entire life, there has been a strong sense of divine timing. This apprenticeship so patiently waited for me to be ready and for those who were meant to receive it to appear. Their appearance is the confirmation from my soul that we are supported when we finally let ourselves feel worthy of that support, and that when we do that, we also help others see how very worthy they are.

That when we nurture the healing light within, it shines so brightly that those meant to see us can find us so that we each become the flame that lights the candles nearby. 

I know that those who are truly called to share that eternal flame within will come across reasons to hide it, to put it out, or use it to set something in their lives on fire with it before they can learn to wield it. I hope instead, that the courage that lives within your heart will help you know that you are a part of a collective healing light unlike any other, and that you find the places and spaces that teach that light within you how to dance. 

The Apprentice of Original Essence™ is an Advanced Apprenticeship Program with Deborah that offers a combination of 1:1 and intimate group work.

This Program is designed for a select few folks who feel their Original Essence wants to be expressed through a healing/creative offering and would like to cultivate their gifts with the guidance of Deborah’s approachable depth of wisdom. 

Deborah’s background of 20+ years of emerging as one of the most world renowned trusted healers, as well as her innate intuitive gifts of seeing, will be wielded to help refine one’s unique offering and dispel any sense of imposter syndrome. You will know you are offering something only you can offer.

Much healing will be done together on this journey that will create a spiral of healing in the world. Deborah cannot teach you how to see like she sees or heal like she heals, but she can draw out your own visioning and your own healing to help you bring it to light in the highest good for all involved.


