Recently, it has occurred to me how important it is to celebrate.

In the spirit of vulnerability, I’ve worked very hard for everything I have but have had a hard time celebrating wins; always waiting for the figurative “other shoe” to drop.  I kept my head down and kept working hard, not revealing my success to others for two reasons. First, I feared I may attract comparison and jealousy and second, sharing my success would make it real, meaning it could be taken away.

Lately, I’ve understood how important it is to take a break, take a deep breath, and understand that celebration and making things real are positives. If others are in a place of jealousy or comparison, you could be inspiring them to grow, exposing them to new horizons of possibilities. You can demonstrate that true rewards in life come through hard work and dedication.

Celebration is a way to honor the gifts you are given. By infusing life with gatherings around the hearth fire— deep moments of personal and community reflection— through celebrations, you bring positive energy. Now is a wonderful time to gather a soulful community to bask in pure joy over a common cause, treating yourselves to something that feels truly nourishing to mind, body, and spirit.

I believe in compassionate integration; I believe in not judging or shaming our past. Where we are today requires where we were before. So, I’ve woven the truths of my hard working past into the evolution of my reverent present to create this Medicine of Celebration for you.

untying knots

Celebration isn’t about blowing off responsibilities to numb life and convince ourselves we are having fun while making ourselves sick and procrastinating what is really important. Irresponsibility creates messy knots in life- manifested in obsessions, unhealthy relationships, addictions, or even simply a chaotic and messy room. It’s called a head loop for a reason— you create a knot for yourself that can be hard to untangle, but the medicines of accountability and responsibility can help!
Why make things so hard on yourself? It can seem daunting and exhausting to figure out and work your way out of a mess- but think of the mental energy you waste having to remember where everything is, how to stay connected to whatever it is you are addicted to, or how to tiptoe around this pain/body relationship.

Wild Heart,


True celebration is in honoring that you have stepped up and faced challenges with courage; you learned something new, you grew. You declined the long, exhausting line to ride the roller coaster of extreme highs followed by extreme lows and chose the ever-available wondrous ride of life itself. If you want all of life to feel like a celebration, you have to work hard for it. Not just in the heady “working on myself” approach, but in a roll up the sleeves and step up kind of way. Don’t be afraid to break a sweat or to take a leap of faith. The seeds you plant today will be tomorrow's full bloom; you reap what you sow. The question is this: What choices are you willing to make, chances are you willing to take-in order to make all of life feel like a celebration?

new moon ritual

Find the physical knots in your life. Is it tangled necklaces? Viney plants? Electrical wires? Unassembled furniture? As we work through these physical knots, the metaphoric and multidimensional understandings reveal themselves as we work with our hands.
Take a deep breath, sit down, and get to work untangling the knots.
Be patient— you got yourself into this so you are the only one who can get yourself out.
Once you are untangled, cleanse your aura with a selenite wand.
Take a sip of a cool herbal potion:

new moon love potion

Handfuls of rose petals and linden blossoms you’ve collected
Starflower (aka Borage) would be a dream to add to this mix

Infuse the flowers in a mason jar filled with spring water and a clear quartz crystal.
Let your potion soak in the energy of the sun and moon for twenty four hours.
Note: you can also use any other fresh edible flowers that are local to you.
Set some of your love potion aside for next two week’s rituals, the fridge will keep it fresh.
Take a deep breath and notice how you feel.


