When I was younger in my spiritual development, I thought dedication to one’s spiritual growth meant you had to choose one practice and show up for it every day. So, I would wake up very early, practice zen meditation, practice yoga, and then begin a day of studying yoga and guiding others through healing. 

At a time when most folks my age were out partying, I was deepening and deepening my spiritual world. I knew I was new in my spiritual bath, like a little acorn, yet felt the potential and strength of a mighty oak tree stirring within me. 

I’m grateful I had the dedication to show up for the same practice every day. Within the spiritual circles I found myself in, I noticed peers digging many shallow wells. Doing several practices at once till it became impossible to distinguish how any one practice feels. Approaching spirituality as a way to lose oneself, rather than find oneself. 

I saw a lot of confusion around me. 

It inspired me to be even more dedicated to digging one well really deep. 

Eventually I realized that the well I was digging wasn’t a yoga well, a zen meditation well, or an Ayahuasca well. It was a Deborah well. And like my friend the Oak tree, I too am Nature, and because of this, I’m always changing. My practices can change along with me. I realized that devotion, sweeping the floors of my healing center, bookkeeping, or getting a client a glass of water was part of my sacred practice. That is how after much digging...I reached water. I became the practice and I became water.

Some may call this enlightenment, but I think enlightenment is not a destination you reach and then remain there forever. I think we can all experience moments of enlightenment and it’s through dedication to our spiritual journey that we extend the experience of bliss that occurs when we realize we are one with all of existence. 

Now I am much older in my spiritual world. I no longer show up for one specific form of meditation or one specific practice. Instead, I simply show up and become the practice.

I still wake up very early, but instead of doing self care, I live self care. I ask my whole being, body, mind, and spirit; What do you need today? 

Sometimes it’s still yoga and zen meditation... 

Sometimes it’s singing and a run...

Sometimes it’s bringing my journal to the park and sitting on the roots of a wise old oak tree who understands me and holds me, while I empty my mind onto the page...

Sometimes it’s simply going outside, placing my hands on the cool, wet, Earth and saying “thank you Mama, thank you.” 

Dedication to our spiritual practice gives us roots like an oak tree, growing even stronger in a storm. 

practice for dedication

I’m continuously inspired by Mother Earth’s dedication to her children of all species and sizes.  I would especially like to highlight the sacred dedication between acorn, squirrel, and oak tree. And I want to invite you to sit with and contemplate this relationship, there is so much magic and medicine here. What comes up for you? 

prompt on digging a deep spiritual well

I have mentioned the difference between digging many shallow wells versus digging one well really deep in regards to our spiritual development. 

What wells have you been digging lately? How many are there? How deep are they? How can you go deeper and deeper still till you reach water? Till you become water?


