Pure bliss is available to us all, in every moment.

DeManifestation clears distractions that keep us from experiencing this bliss. It is the power of understanding the extraordinary in the ordinary. Knowing fulfillment rather than emptiness. Taking care of what you already have been given, looking into the eyes of those who love you, the humility of looking up at the night sky in awe and wonder. Simple pleasure is available to all, no matter who you are or where you come from. It is the true fortune of being human.

DeManifestation is not in contrast with Manifestation but rather, in balance. It is important to have both. Yes, you deserve the best in life; and the best is the love within you.

Once upon a time, humans worked together. No matter our age, we understood that we were all connected and that we all had to do our part to contribute to the collective. Somehow, somewhere along the way, selfishness set in. Egoic emptiness became so ingrained in our consciousness and we passed this down from generation to generation. We began worshiping matter and discarding spirit. Without connection to spirit, satiation and contentment departed our consciousness. We felt lonely and lost. A lack of gratitude set in — without us even realizing the severity of what was happening.

We hypnotized ourselves with want and comparison. We fell into a trap so thick and became so accustomed to it that we forgot what it was to be free. We lost healthy discipline and began living a life of extremes. Constantly fixing, planning, scheming, cultivating. We jaded the meaning of growth, confusing it with the procurement of external materializations. We forgot that every thought we think, word we say, action we take, has a ripple effect. We forgot that all existence circulates in perfect balance. We stopped trusting the divine timing of milestones meant for our unique journey of life and forced personal will over divine will. We were not cognizant that the use of intention to manipulate a circumstance for personal gain comes at a personal cost, and an even energy exchange is required to keep balance. What would it feel like to know you are enough? What would it feel like to stop the mental loop of “what’s next” and rather, be with what is now?

What would it feel like to not always have to be more? What would it feel like to just let yourself be? Once upon a time, humans were highly intuitive, creative, open children. There was no difference between our dreams and our reality. The dreams we dreamt were for the collective. The labor we did was to support the community. Heeding the guidance of our respective elders and the strength of feminine mysteries affirmed our sense of self-worth. We knew that without us, something would be missing. We knew we were nature. To know that was enough. We lived our dreams and fulfilled our potential as the gift of being human. Somehow, somewhere along the way, we became the Earth’s spoiled brats. But, our mother was patient with us. With Earth’s loving guidance, we evolved. We did this through patience, presence and perseverance. Through accountability, responsibility and trust in mystery, we learned to let go and let be…we receive all we need. Knowing blessedness is our birthright; finding ourselves, remembering our worth, realizing we already have everything.

With all of the distracting divisive devices DeManifested, we wake to this moment of mystery with absolute reverie. We gracefully ride the high highs and the low lows of this precious life we’ve been given, happily ever after.

demanifestation ritual

Alone doesn’t have to mean lonely. For centuries, mystics have sought solitude in order to know themselves more and develop their intuitive gifts. If you find yourself on your own, you have been given a great gift. Use this time to develop your skills. Try to stay away from all forms of distractions (even reading a book could be a distraction). Feel the concept of time shift, feel how long the day can be when you are with you. Feel how hard it is to just sit with yourself in silence and stillness. Notice the dreams that come through for you while you are in this powerful time of reflection. Notice the beauty in the natural world when you get outside for a little walk. Notice how tired your body is from all the detoxing your brain is doing. Try this practice for one day, three days or one week and notice the creativity and dreams that follow.


