Insecurity can be a great tool for energy protection. Why?

Insecurity is a powerful indicator that we’ve allowed energy to leak into our field that is either not serving us or not ours. It’s a natural feeling that emerges for us all from time to time, and as long as we are acknowledging its existence and not letting it run (and ruin) our lives, it acts as a valuable warning bell.

Insecurity tells you something is off, pay attention, stay aware. Notice when/where/how it is you feel the most insecure, that way you can lean toward what gives you peace. If you’ve been drinking the deadly poison of comparison lately, the discomfort of insecurity is there to tell you to put it down. When you act self destructively, insecurity arises to guide you toward change, toward healing. Most importantly, insecurity is telling you to go deep inside your inner being and own your energy.

Empathic folks are prone to insecurity. You know you’re sensitive, but do you understand how deep that empathy goes? That you can pick up on not only energy, but thought forms and physical sensations of others? That you feel the entire collective consciousness? That you are sensitive to way more than just human energy?

Hey, it may be a tough time to be an Empath, but when is it ever easy? Empathy is deeply needed right now, so if you are an Empathic person, it’s time to call yourself out on the ways you’ve been feeding your insecurities rather than facing them. Then you will be able to seal up your aura with the confidence of one who has the courage to be their own healer. Instead of letting darkness weigh you down, you’ve discovered a bold, brilliant light because you stopped looking for others to receive you and started seeing, receiving and believing in yourself.

It’s challenging to focus on energy protection in the external world when your inner critic is the first one you need to protect yourself from. And the more you react to the external critics, the louder the internal critic will be.

This isn’t about lacking self reflection and not receiving heartfelt advice from those who respect you.

This is about not letting fear of judgment and what others think of you run your life. It’s about surrounding yourself with Love, the most powerful force in the universe and allowing Love to protect you.

The challenge is that it’s easier to get caught up in the negative things people say about you than it is to receive praise from those who love and adore you. The more you give your energy to others' negativity, the more negativity you create for yourself, which will always leave you feeling drained and vulnerable to compromising energies.
Refocusing on those who love you, and more importantly loving yourself, is one of the most powerful practices of energy protection.

practice for releasing the inner critic

Allow yourself to write down and vent the ruminating narrative that lives in your mind of your external and internal critics. This will go on a piece of paper that you will tear up, put in a mug of boiling salt water and allow to dissolve. Later, when the paper is mostly dissolved, you will offer it to a larger body of water. Asking the water to receive it and turn it into love. Knowing water can transform, transmute and heal anything within us that is too heavy for us to carry.

Now, on another piece of paper, write about those who love you, what they tell you, what they show you. Remember that you are loved by more than just humans. Your guides, guardians, animals, plants, nature, and the stars all love you so write what they say! Can you also write about loving yourself?

Let love grow and then create space for more love to pour into that big beautiful heart of yours. The light of Love will always protect you.

When you are finished writing, place this paper next to or even in (if it’s organic paper and non-toxic ink) a beautiful bath you create for yourself. Light some candles, put on some relaxing music. Add an amethyst crystal, some pink Himalayan salt and a dash of rosemary essential oil to your bath to make the experience deeply divine. Soak in the love and medicine you’ve created!


