We all have stories from the past that we carry. Sometimes the story isn’t even ours— it’s something imposed upon us, passed down from generation to generation, life time to life time. But even the stories we’ve created in this lifetime are ones we can release.
It’s all perspective.
What happened may not have been up to you — but what you take away from it certainly is.
Everything we experience in life gives us the opportunity for growth, wisdom, compassion, and understanding. You can’t change who you were yesterday but you can decide who you are going to be today. The illusionary limitations you or others have told you may not be true. Why not try something new?
Maybe today you can overcome what was impossible yesterday. Dear One, you have and attract so much light because you are unafraid to face your darkness. Let the sunlight remind you of this.
Go ahead — change the game and then celebrate the feeling of breakthrough that closely follows. Let the luminosity support you in your revelations.
full moon ritual bath for possibility
What is the one deep desire of your heart you’ve been telling yourself you can’t do for a while? Maybe you’ve told yourself a plethora of excuses as to why you can’t do it. Maybe, with all the power and light of the sun and moon coming at you this week, you suddenly find the courage to go and do it. This bath can help.
The remainder of your New Moon Love Potion
One cup of pink salt
Really happy, fresh organic rose petals, fresh local flowers that make your heart sing
Rose quartz crystal
Bowl of happy strawberries and a lit candle by the tub
Fresh Basil
Rose absolute essential oil can be a nice touch
Bit of dried basil (kept by your candle in an ashtray)
Cleanse your aura with the smoke of dried basil.
Step into the bath and dunk your head under water.
Take a bite of a strawberry and really take your time to savor it.
Acknowledge for a moment how amazing this little fruit is. You can almost not even notice the little plant she comes from, some even mistake her for a weed and try to pluck her out of the ground, but when she is brave enough to reveal the bright red of her fruit, who can stop themselves from noticing her?
Soak in the magic and medicine of your possibilities.