On Friday, May 5th we have a Scorpio Full Flower Moon and Lunar Eclipse. Full Moons are a revelatory energy.
When these revelations come, it can be very powerful and profound to write them down to be revisited at a later date, because I feel realizations are like onions with so many layers — and each time we are able to peel back one layer — we can only hope that another will be revealed. Revisiting what we’ve written on this subject can help us connect the dots and put the pieces together.
This Bath is designed to help you to bask in the full moon revelations of rebirth.
Violet leaves and flowers
Star of Bethlehem flowers
At least one cup of salt
A few drops of Frangipani essential oil
Amethyst, citrine, and rose quartz crystals
Lots of coconut milk
Fill the bath with water the temperature of your choosing.
Cleanse your aura and your space with a Selenite wand.
Step into bath and dunk your head underwater, covering every inch of you with the soothing milk and flower essences.
Say or sing, “Renew, Regenerate, Rebirth” into the water three times.
Sit and soak in the powerful energy you’ve created.