My work has a strong focus on Being Your Own Healer and the three P’s (plus accountability and responsibility) are the anchors of this practice. 

I get a lot my downloads when I’m in motion, be it on my yoga mat, a run or a drive. The three P’s came through for me when I was on a long drive with a dear friend.

Those of you who have been following me for a while I’m sure at this point are very familiar with the three P’s, but I’ve chosen to offer a highlight of them because in their epic simplicity, they are actually quite advanced and extremely helpful for this time. 

the three p’s are patience, presence and perseverance

To begin we will focus on Presence. 

Presence is required in order to heal. When we are overly focused on the future, then we are susceptible to anxiety.  And when we are overly focused on the past, we are susceptible to depression. When we are in the moment, our intuition has the strongest chance of speaking to us. 

Does our past affect who we are today? Of course! And it’s good to be aware of where things are coming from but at a certain point, reliving the pain of the past can really drag us down and have us searching for answers that we will never get and creating problems that don’t need to be there. This is where the grace of acceptance, understanding, compassion, forgiveness and then accountability and responsibility play a huge role. If we can observe our past from this perspective we can gain true insight about where we are today and by not overly analyzing ourselves, we offer ourselves the freedom to become what we are meant to be. 

Does imagining where we would like to be in the future help us shine a light on how we can get there? Of Course! But stress manifesting things into existence could be placing personal will over divine will, giving us what we want but not necessarily what is meant for us. Forced growth is fake growth. We are trained to busy ourselves with cultivating and asking what’s next, leaving little room to appreciate what’s now. But there is more to life than planning for what’s going to happen when we don’t really know what’s going to happen.  

Presence has a sexy mystery to it. It’s always with us yet we cannot touch or see it. Presence needs to be felt. It’s a state of existence and when we allow ourselves to arrive into it we become an open channel for Divine Love. When we become present, we are filled with courage to dream the dream that has never been dreamt. The dream that guides us to do things differently than we are used to. Dreams that open locked doors to passageways that have yet to be traveled. Listening to and being present with your dreams will help you to build trust and confidence in who you are. Presence will give you mercy, grace, love and protection. Presence will give you gratitude for who you are and what you have. Presence will create space to let those you love know you love them. Presence will dispel loneliness and connect you to all that is. 

how do we become present?

Beloved, it’s so very simple! Place both hands on that bold beating heart of yours, breathe in, breathe out, repeat…

When you’re focused on your breathing you're not brooding, not planning, not even thinking, just breathing. 

How to take that presence into everyday life? This is the real challenge. But the more time you spend focusing on your breath (which is your connection to your spirit)  the easier it becomes.


