From etymonline:

heal (v.)

Old English hælan "cure; save; make whole, sound and well," from Proto-Germanic *hailjan (source also of Old Saxon helian, Old Norse heila, Old Frisian hela, Dutch helen, German heilen, Gothic ga-hailjan "to heal, cure"), literally "to make whole" (from PIE *kailo- "whole;" see health).
Intransitive sense from late 14c. Related: Healed;


To be a Whole-self Healer. 

For my own healing and for shepherding others on their healing journey, this is the vision I cleanse and nourish for. To be a Whole-self Healer. To do so I must have total self acceptance for not only the fractionalized parts of me deemed worthy, but also for my hidden mysteries. Total acceptance for the parts of myself that are seen and the parts I may never see. I guide my light and shadow to be friends so I can have the confidence and protection that comes from self acceptance. If I’m accessing a language that is unique to me, I want it to be from the light as well as the depth. I want that healing language to originate from my whole soul. 

I wonder, when healers and gurus profess to work only with light, where does the darkness go? If you are only awake during the day, that doesn’t make the night disappear. So what happens when we refuse to travel into the depths of ourselves so commonly referred to as “shadow”? Does everything we draw upon then come from the surface? 

Unfortunately, a lot of what we see in more ambiguous forms of spiritual healing is based on and gets stuck in self image. It’s easy to wear all white and pretend to be all light. But to truly nourish a vision of inclusion, we need to release the old paradigms around what it means to heal and be healed. 


Where does Soul Language come from?

Soul Language is ancient. In origin stories all over the world, the universe is created from sound. Maybe every soul is born with a sound or born from sound. As people learned to deal with a failed medical system in a modern world, alternative healing therapies that were there all along became more sought out, along with the natural human urge to find what’s true and what works for us, and with that, a willingness to go further and further out to the fringes of society for discovery. The practice of Light Language, like singing, using symbols, or speaking to weave healing into the world, are growing in popularity all alongside this beautiful human quest for healing. Just like no one place or people owns sound healing, no one place or people owns Light Language, though many have discovered these practices in their journey of self discovery. 


What is Light Language?

I was first exposed to something called Light Language by a healer back in the late 90’s. 

She referred to it as her own way of communicating healing. When I heard her, I wondered if this was something she practiced for herself or if she only practiced it when it could be witnessed by others. This is still something I wonder often about folks who largely publicly share Light Language. Is it only something that shines outward? Do they ever practice it for their own healing?

Soul Language heals the healer. There is no difference between healing and being healed. The healing work we do on ourselves is felt in all of existence. When our healing practices are devotional, they become grounded. That grounded energy then resonates from us and people begin to feel better when they are around us because we have roots in a wild, wild world. 

Why is Soul Language needed at this time?

Most of what I witness in the healing world today feels very ungrounded, including a lot of Light Language that is shared because folks who maybe have a healing light are imprisoned by self image, overly focused on output, and are forgetting much healing can be discovered in their depths, in their roots. 

This makes me think…

Light Language is ready for a glow up. 

One that is fully inclusive of every part of us that exists beyond image. One that heals the healer as well as heals the world. One that is rooted in devotion and lived rather than intellectualized and worn. 


Soul Language. 

How is Soul Language different?

Our ego convinces us that we are just light so it can keep control by keeping us fractionalized and looping around the same experiences again and again, unable to discover a way out. When we don’t have love for the depths of us, we reach to numb the feeling of its existence with mind altering substances, consumption, distraction, and escape. 

Soul Language allows us to access our depth as well as our light.

This is why I like the idea of Soul Language a bit more than Light Language. I want to be a Whole-self Healer. 

To express Soul Language takes courage. We might first have to face long held shame and ask ourselves, is there love and acceptance for this too? We must hear the voice of what our soul wants to express without getting caught up in feeling foolish or imposing. Beneath the burden of judgement, we must discover trust, and then we can receive unparalleled guidance straight from the tap of our own soul. 

If I’m accessing a language that is unique to me, I want to make sure I’m not missing anything. I want to see way below the surface. A language from my light as well as my depth. So I may be a Whole-self Healer. 

Heal with the language only your soul can speak.

From January 7th through 23rd, join Mama Medicine for this clarifying course & cleanse, which will connect you to the healing power of your unique soul language.

Together through 6 live classes, a guided aura and body cleanse, a Soul Language Discovery workbook, a live In~Tunement, and a 30-minute Medicine Reading*, you’ll recover the sacred sound of you soul to create balance and healing for yourself and the world.

*Medicine Readings are only available to the first 30 registrants.


