I’ve always been able to see colors around beings — it’s as natural to me as feeling the sun on my face. One day growing up, I mentioned this to some of the neighborhood kids and realized from their reactions that this was highly unusual.

I began turning to mystical books in search of answers. It was then that I realized the colors I could see were called auras. Over time, after talking to a lot of people, I began to associate the different colors with different qualities in a person.

The beings I see with opalescent or rainbow auras, tend to have a very magnetic and angelic energy. Angelic energy is an energy that has come to help us, that is here to look out for others. Sometimes angels need to ground down into human form and do their work in the third dimension. Animals almost always have opal auras and that’s why I think animals are angels.

Often times as witches, we’re given guides who help us with our work here on Earth… you might know of the witch’s familiar. Our familiars are not only animals that are around us in the 3D realm, but also in the spirit realm, helping to take us where we need to go.

Try this ritual bath for connecting with the beings that work with you on your path.


find my familiar ritual bath


1 cup salt (any kind)

At least 1 cup fresh or dried rosemary (if dried, make a tub tea)

1/2 cup fresh or dried thyme (if dried, make a tub tea)

Fresh or dried basil (if dried, make a tub tea)

1 cup blackberries and blueberries mixed in with 3 cups milk, 1 tablespoon of honey, and 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 10 drops of lavender essential oil

Moon water (to make, set a cup of clean water on a windowsill during a full moon to catch the light)

Any non-water-soluble crystals you have (ideally ones you found yourself in nature)

1 fresh cucumber, sliced


Add each ingredient to the running water of your bath as an offering to your guides.

Light a candle.

Create a smudge using a cinnamon stick by putting it in a nonflammable tray of some kind and igniting it. Waft the smoke around your body using a feather you have found.

Step into the bath and dunk your head underwater.

Place the palms of your hands on the surface of the water.

Close your eyes and go into a meditation.

Go to that special place within yourself where no one else can go.

Invite your familiar to come meet you there.

Introduce yourself to them and ask them questions, like you are meeting a new friend.

Thank them for all they do for you.

Be patient, you guides may come through in the bath or they may come later in your dreams or waking visions.

Take time after the bath or after meeting your guides to journal characteristics about them or things that they told you.


