The Divine Feminine is an energy within all of us, connected to the parts of us that are open, receptive, sensitive, creative, and are adept at being with darkness, change, transformation, and mystery.

The divine feminine is the aspect of us that relates to the elements of water and earth and is associated with states of being open, receptive, feeling, and intuitive. It trusts mystery and is comfortable in the imaginal realms. It has no attachment to form, but instead trusts that the process of creation is one of constantly changing form, and in a sense, formlessness.

Within society, as we've seen the feminine degraded and cast into the shadows, we've also witnessed the devaluing of mother earth. By coming to appreciate the beauty of being human, including that we are always changing and evolving, we can move into a place of deeper reverence for the Earth and all her creatures and step up into the responsibility of caring for her properly.

This is why the reclamation of the divine feminine is essential for us to create a more harmonious relationship with the Earth, and with ourselves. When we honor the feminine within, we can recognize the power of our intuition, the sacredness of our emotions, and the wisdom of our bodies. We can recognize that we are not separate from Nature, but part of a larger, interconnected web of life. We can reclaim our responsibility to honor, protect, and nurture the Earth.

Dreaming is an essential part of creating a more harmonious world. For a long time, dreams, daydreaming, or spending time in the imaginal realm, has been looked down upon by our society. However, it is in our dreams that we can access deep intuitive wisdom that exists beyond our waking state. Exploring the imaginal realm and connecting with spirit can lead us to ideas we would've never come up within the confines of our logical mind.

Opening up to the value that exists here can allow us to weave the wisdom of our dreams and our intuition into our everyday lives. We can use the power of our imagination to see a new world -- one where we honor the sacredness of life and the interconnectedness of all beings. We can use our creative energy to be the change we wish to see in the world, and to create a more harmonious relationship with ourselves, with each other, and with the Earth.

So bring forth the divine feminine, the great mother, the mama medicine within you.

Honor your compassion, your kindness, your intuitive wisdom, and your wild ideas. Let yourself be wild and free. Break free from the boxes placed around you by degrading these aspects within you. Reclaim the fact that you are nature and you belong here.

Experiment with this dream ritual for tuning into the divine feminine aspect within you.

divine feminine dreaming ritual

Start a practice of working with your dreams.

Do this by keeping a dream journal next to your bed.

Initiate this practice by committing to staying off screens, away from books, and simply being in your own energy for at least an hour before bedtime.

Before going to sleep, ask your dreams to guide you. Set the intention to receive clear wisdom that is in your highest good.

Each morning, for 28 days, write down your dreams as soon as you wake up.

Take note of how you felt, any key symbols, and the different characters involved.

Resist the temptation to turn towards books or the internet to help interpret your dreams.

After 28 days, read through your dream journal and see if you can pinpoint any common threads. Sit in meditation with the information and see what clarity comes up for you.

Trust your own unique interpretation.


