Sometimes there are questions we could never know the answer to.

Because we are so uncomfortable with mystery, we settle for others assumptions and get sucked into pandora’s box type rabbit holes exposing our gentle spirits to nauseatingly vile evil. We can waste so much time this way, we can miss the most precious simple moments of our lives, lose ourselves. And you know what they say “when you assume you make and ass out of u and me”

Most people want to do their best, and because of that a lot of these rabbit holes we find ourselves in are from trying to do the right thing. And woe the moment when you dare to ask questions, don’t feel how you are “supposed” to, or disagree with the loud assumptions of righteous bullies. So confused by all the noise you silence your inner voice, doubt yourself, and begin to lose faith in human- kindness.

and again you ask...

Where do I belong?

But My Wild Beloved,

You are, we all are, a child of earth and sky. You belong to the stars you were born under and the earth that received you as you left the safety and warmth of mother’s womb. You belong to water. You belong to the sparrows and the sunsets, the ridges and rainbows. You belong to strangers and sunshine. You belong to the sounds of waterfalls, cleansing winds, wolves singing, bee’s laughter and children playing. You belong to the solstices and equinoxes, the moon and her phases, you belong to change. You belong to yourself, the wise heart and the wild spirit.

Outsider come in. Come in from the illusion of loneliness. In in in to the inner hearth of belonging. You are Nature. Earth is your body, Water is your blood, Wind is your breath and fire is your spirit. You are Nature and You Belong here.


Place your hands on your heart and say it; “I Belong Here.”

Beloved you repair your past selfishness with all that you give. We have all made mistakes. All is forgiven so come home.


On April 20th we have a total solar eclipse and a new moon. During this time we can feel a spotlight on the places we feel most raw and vulnerable. Signals can get crossed and there can be a lot of misinterpretation in what we say versus what we mean. In general, eclipses are not my favorite energy to tap into. On an eclipse day, I try to stick to myself, stay offline, and get quiet. I try not to pay too much attention to anything that comes through for me psychically or in my dream life, because I know there are strong, even precarious, energies about.

To keep my energy clear and myself from getting caught up in all of it, I take this grounding Ritual Bath. I recommend taking this bath right before bed on the new moon to clear out the energy of the day before you go to sleep. If you have time, I recommend taking this bath once more when you wake up to clear the energy of your eclipse dreams. I also encourage you to keep repeating this same bath throughout the month as it has a cumulative effect. As always, if you don’t have all the ingredients, don’t fret! Your intention is what really matters in your bath!


  • All of your Non Water Soluble Crystals ( Ideally Amethyst is in the mix here)

  • Three cups of black lava salt

  • Rose & Rosemary essential oils

  • Freesia flowers or any fresh organic flowers you have on hand

  • Marigold & Calendula flowers

  • Fresh Mugwort

  • Tablespoon of activated charcoal powder


Sing over the water you will bathe in to create a dreamy frequency.

Cleanse your aura with the smoke of dried Mugwort

Step into bath and dunk head under water

Place crystals all over your body and face

Take several deep cleansing breaths

Sit and soak in the medicine you’ve created


