In my experience, when we are called to a particular place, it is so much more than the rich culture, the decadent meals, or the beautiful architecture that beckons us - (although all of these things contain their own beauty and medicine) -  but instead a reconnection with something that actually resides inside of us. Sometimes it is the land itself that wants to support us to heal. Other times, it is the spirit of someone we are meant to meet or of a nature spirit that calls to us.

When we understand that nothing is ever ours to take and that life is a series of relationships, it is much easier to feel into where we are meant to go. When we ask, “What can I give?” and lead with great respect, life has a way of inviting us into the exact experiences that allow us to grow and remember our incredible potential. 

Signs A Place Is Calling You


Places often speak to me in the dream world. When you have a dream about a place repeatedly, it is helpful to ask if you are meant to travel to that place in real life or if spending time there in dreams is all your spirit really needs. What places have you dreamt of lately, sweet dreamer? What do you feel when you are in those dreams? Is there a familiarity? An activating energy? Is it a place of restoration or growth? What might this place be telling your spirit it needs? 


Our inner guidance systems speak to us through the synchronicities we experience. There are times in my life I’ve been called to a place in a dream, and a few days later, received an invitation to that exact place. Understanding synchronicity requires that we lean into our intuition and are patient and open to what is meant for us. Beloved, don’t shut down what might be meant for you before it has had a chance to unfold. Synchronicities can come through images, song lyrics, and even conversations we overhear. Paying attention without needing the linear mind to force its narrative allows intuitive messages to unfold with grace. 


To me, animals are like angels and sometimes they have messages for us. When I was gardening earlier this Spring, I felt the presence of bees really strongly. To me, the bees are so divine. While I have always had an affinity for bees, I have come to associate the bees with the Element Retreat because the retreat takes place on land where the bees and flowers gently invite us back into communion with nature, along with the most magical baby foxes. Rather than rushing to look up what an animal means on the internet, you might close your eyes and ask the spirit of that animal some questions or perhaps research how that animal lives and if there is anything you can give. This is a way of inviting that animal to keep connecting with you. 


Because plants are so closely connected to the lands they are on, they are like ambassadors for certain places. Last year at Element, we were surrounded by beautiful St. John’s Wort, mugwort, yarrow, and lavender. St. John’s Wort reminds me of the power of hope and yarrow of the protection we receive from being in community. Mugwort reminds me of the power of dreams and lavender, the healing that comes from being open. Different herbalism lineages, cultures, and mythologies each have their own interpretations of the plants and their medicine, but we all have our own direct connection and intuitive language. What plants have been calling to you lately? Are they connected to any specific lands? When you close your eyes and smell their sweet or woodsy fragrance, what do you feel? 


Sometimes there is nothing outside of you, not even a dream experience, that calls you to a place. Sometimes, it is just a deep desire with no explanation. You suddenly feel strongly that you are meant to visit a certain body of water, a particular sacred mountain, or go to the desert. In some ways, what feels like rationality is actually self doubt or judgment of your desires. There is room for grounded reason and also the divine feminine way of trusting mystery. We don’t need to choose between these two aspects of ourselves, but I do think it’s time to respect the parts of us we can’t quite understand but somehow know deep in our hearts. If you have to strengthen your intuition, don’t dismiss these tiny nudges from within. Allow them to exist, and simply keep listening. 

I hope reading through these allows the places meant for you to call you in divine timing. If you’ve been curious about Element Retreat, I created this visualization to help you receive messages from Lago d’Orta and feel into if this place is right for you.

Sign up for Element Retreat here.


