Altars ground the healing work we do on ourselves and provide for us a stable place of grounding and clearing our energy.

When you are trying to "alter" something in your life change around what you have on your altar.

Your altar can be anywhere in your home that is special to you, even on top of your dresser or in a tiny corner of your room if need be. You can create a small traveling altar by folding your sacred items into a small piece of fabric or a tiny wooden table. If you are very fortunate your altar is outdoors tucked away in your special spot in nature.

And remember you can always manifest your altar, placing what comes through for you energetically in front of you. It is best to have all the items on your altar be gifts from nature, treasures you've found when you have been in communion with her, gifts that those who love you have given you are very special as well.

ritual to build your altar


Carve out a moment to sit with what the intention of your altar is. Maybe it’s to protect your space. Perhaps it’s a place to connect with your guides. It could also be a place to honor a specific project you’re manifesting.

First, lay down an altar cloth. This can be a piece of fabric or a scarf that’s special to you, or a fabric in a certain color that’s connected to your intention.

On your altar place anything that represents a specific intention that you’re working with (maybe it’s working with your ancestors, so you post an image or keepsake from your people) and have something that represents each element in its corresponding direction.

For example:

Wind in the East (a found feather, a pen and paper, a pipe, a smoke cleansing blend)

Fire in the South (a candle the colors specifically related to your intention)

Water in the West (a bowl or chalice of water that you bless)

Earth in the North (salt, a crystal, a bit of soil, seeds)

Be sure to keep your altar refreshed and clean. Revere it like you would a temple or a sacred space. Bring fresh flowers. Change out the water. Keep the ashes swept away.

Come to this space every day and be sure to spend at least 10-15 minutes in silence and stillness here to connect with the healing energy you’ve created.


