It’s chickweed season in the North Country. This tiny but mighty plant contains so many amazing benefits for both the physical and spiritual bodies.

On a spiritual level, chickweed connects us to the power of community. It has the ability to bring us into the comforting feeling of support we can always access — from our human, animal, and plant families — when we acknowledge how connected we really are.

I see chickweed as stars of the Earth. They remind us that we, too, are made up of starstuff, encouraging us to tune into our bioluminescence when we are ingesting them on the physical level.

Chickweed benefits our physical body by helping to reduce inflammation, to usher out any excess fluids, and to assist the body in letting go of toxins. It’s nature’s gift of essential vitamins, calcium, and magnesium, arriving in perfect timing to properly support our bodies in the seasonal transition.

I’ve crafted this Chickweed Pesto recipe — packed with beneficial ingredients — to usher you into Spring. The walnuts make for GREAT brain food, the nutritional yeast gives you a vital source of B12, and the lemon and olive oil assist your body in the cleansing that’s naturally happening within you as your body sloughs off the excess fluids of Winter.

Pair it with my Liver Cleanse protocol if you feel called to activate the glow of confidence, release any fears, stress, or worries holding you back, and return your physical and spiritual bodies to balance this moon cycle.



2 heaping cups of chickweed (all aerial parts)

¾ cup of walnuts

2 cloves of garlic

¼ cup of nutritional yeast

¼-½ cup of good quality olive oil (according to the consistency you want)

The juice of half a lemon

Large pinch of salt, to taste

Pinch of pepper, to taste

  • Add all ingredients to a high-powered blender or food processor, starting with ¼ cup of the oil and add the remainder as needed.

  • Blend until smooth.

  • Use as a sauce for zucchini noodles, pair with quinoa and tomatoes, or try topping rice cakes. Let your creativity run wild!

13 - 15 May 2024 | 11AM - 12:30PM EDT

What would you create and how would you grow if you knew you were powered by an incredible amount of energy in your strong solid roots? How would you act if you knew that your most pure, wild dreams are completely supported? How would you relate to life if you knew you were cared for, provided for, and loved unconditionally?

As clear channels of love, we will explore the fascinating rhythm of life and practice heart centered energy healing from the divine source of nature. This 3-day awakening Elemental Healing Project will leave you feeling capable and connected, so very connected. 


