In times past, divination was used for direction, to find one’s way home or to water. Now divination is used for almost everything: a pendulum over what to have for dinner, a tarot pull for a question we already know the answer to.

When does reaching toward our divining tools become an outsourcing of our intuition? Part of being our own healer is trusting that all of the answers are already within us and will be presented to us when we need. When we are feeling a little stuck with our healing process, divining tools can help us find our inner well of wisdom and help us to understand, help us to connect to our intuition.

But when we over use these tools, are we just finding a way to spiritually bypass our discomfort with mystery? If we approach our sacred divining tools in this way, do we really get the truth or just a mirror of our expectations?

Depression sets in from reliving the past, anxiety sets in from living in the future. Could it be that our obsession with what's to come leads us to anxiety and then toward all the overly available ways to numb our anxiety? The past is what it is, the future hasn’t happened yet, the present is all we really have. And if we can allow ourselves to unfold into presence, all will eventually be revealed.

Psychic energy is pure Presence. That’s it. It’s not a special power, it is simply presence. Love is presence. The Essence of Everything is Presence. Is Love.

In this moment, all timelines, dimensions and universes exist at once. Why the hurry to get to the next moment when there is so much here? Why complicate your life? Just breathe in Love. Just breathe out Love.
Know your stars, read your tea, look into your water, look into your crystals, but only so that they may bring you more to this very moment, where that inner well of wisdom resides. This is a very magical time of year to get silent, still and sit with all that is.


