At the start, an enchanted city of boxes containing spirits that used to be free
But then,
The sister rivers and the sound
the waterfalls
marsh lands
wild atlantic
wild pacific
baltic sea
sacred serpentine lakes
the naughty east river
the storms, snow, hail, rain
all the tears, not just mine
woke my aculeus,
Pushed me out from under my safe stone shelter,
broke open the dam of doubt and guardedness within me.

The year I became the box, became the dam,
then became water and broke free
at peace with my body
Always following the moon
swelling and shrinking
The year I became water and broke free.

Now like Mother Spirit
No longer underground.
Heart receives the responsibility
to flow powerful, untamed and profound
nourishing and activating thirsty souls and soil.

Honoring the accountability to discover
my path of least resistance.
Like how Innocently and effortlessly
my daughter reads my mind.
Like the sea turtle who swam up to me
Brave with her mama by her side.
To look closer at me, heal my soul
And hold my gaze, like an old friend
in recognition
of everything I am but tried to hide.

Embracing the endless evolving,
without knowing what I am becoming.
No need to know what I am becoming.
Transformed by presence.
Growing, inspiring and releasing.

The wind stills
And I can feel the potential in the Great Everything.
My mind has surrendered to the
patience of silence and darkness.
Nothing left to do but
Trust who I am in every form.

Sometimes, when the music is so awful and artificial or when there is a lie disguised as light,
I want to close my eyes, tune out and grind my teeth,
but there in my gut
Like a dragonfly in Emergence
A courageous fire of perseverance carries me.
This too will transform.
Breathe and keep going.

Even though I never really know where I am going…
somehow I always find my way.

The way of Mystery.
The way of Nature.
The way of Love.


