Ecosystems are nature’s/the divine’s way of teaching us the medicine of unity consciousness.
During the eight years I spent immersing myself in the lungs of the earth-the Amazon rainforest — I would spend hours contemplating the spiritual depth and complexity of the diverse ecosystem there. Back in enchanted New York City, I realized that the same interconnectedness that existed in that magnificent jungle could be found amongst the urban jungle I called home. Wherever I went, I began observing how smaller ecosystems reflected larger ecosystems. How the way the ecosystems of our own unique physical forms functioned would echo the way we participated in our chosen reality.
The observations of ecosystems led me to understanding healing in a whole new way. Instead of feeling powerless and tiny toward the suffering I saw in the world I saw I had a unique part in both the suffering and the healing. I chose to try to release my ignorance and indifference. I chose to try to learn from and forgive the part I had in the suffering; trying to be open to conscious decisions and actions that could contribute toward healing.
Nature recreates herself
Releasing what has been, adapting what is.
Forgiveness Regenerates.
New life shelters the unborn.
The Ancient encourages new life.
The Medicine of Spring.
How did we forget?
For centuries we forgot that we are all connected. And maybe there are those who even try to profit on how disconnected we have become. And this has caused great harm and deep wounding.
But nature forgives, heals and regenerates and so can we.
So how do we forgive?
Acceptance leads to understanding, understanding leads to compassion, compassion leads to forgiveness. To forgive takes time, maybe even lifetimes. Be patient.
Remember that whether intentional or not, we have all thought, said and done things that have caused harm. We could also need forgiving. Even by trying to forgive and setting that energy in motion, we are regenerating ourselves and also this beautiful ecosystem we get to be a part of.