How to Work with the Element of Fire

If you want to learn to work with the elements to bring healing and magic to yourself and the collective, it is important to develop your own relationship with each of the elements.

The element of fire is a purifying and creative energy. When we work with the element of fire, we call in a powerful combination of surrender and transformation. After all, doesn’t all true magic require releasing control?

Fire represents our spirit, and the creativity that pours forth from our spirit when we are courageous. Fire can be destructive, but it also be profoundly cleansing. In order to build a fire, we must have a strong understanding of how to create a boundary for it to burn brightly within.

Call in fire when you want to work with your beautiful spirit, when you want to transform something and when you are in need of creative inspiration and passion. Work with fire when it is time to ignite your desires and when you feel the ideas you are stewarding can catalyze great healing for the collective.

fire ritual

What you need:

A white candle

A lighter or a match

A quiet place to sit after dusk

A paper and a pen


Create a clear and clean space to engage with your ritual.

Light your candle.

Turn off all the lights in a room in the evening.

Take a deep breath and imagine you are connecting to your big beautiful heart.

When you are ready, write in a stream of consciousness, without editing, anything you are called to release and transform by candlelight.

When you feel complete, gaze into the flame of the candle.

Let the flame purify your eyes as you quietly sit for 5-10 minutes. Write down any insights you receive about your transformation.

Put the paper away for safekeeping and revisit it in 21 days and reflect on what you have noticed transform.

If it feels right and the paper is non-toxic, offer the paper to the fire in a safe or outdoor space.

Watch the paper transform, imagining that the transformation has already happened.

Thank the fire and ask the fire if there is anything else you can offer it’s powerful spirit.


