I wonder if it is when we feel disempowered that we force personal will over divine will?
When we don’t get what we want, why do we think, “what is wrong with me?” instead of “what if it’s not meant for me at this time?”
In this moment, what if being without the relationship, the money, the dream home, is all in perfect alignment? What if the divine has something planned that is more magnificent than you could have ever imagined? Why the need to control? Is it really that hard to put down all the planning and simply trust the mystery of life?
DeManifestation releases us from the need to subscribe to the illusion of control and replaces it with trust in life. Trust takes us out of neediness and scarcity and makes us feel truly abundant. (Abundant in this context meaning overflowing with joy, gratitude and generosity).
We see all the gifts we’ve been given. We know what we have, and we know who we are.
When we come from a place of true abundance, our prayers and intentions shift from “please, this”, “do that”, “make this or that happen” to humble honor.
“Thank you for the sun”
“Thank you for the rain”
“Thank you for my family”
“Thank you for my health”
“Thank you for today’s lessons”
“Thank you for my beautiful animals and plants”
We live life free, understanding that there is no right or wrong path, just wisdom to be gained and inspiration to be had. We know that we are deserving of the best-and what is meant for us, will come when it’s meant to.
ritual: a gratitude prayer
Bring some grace into challenging moments by offering a prayer of gratitude (however you pray) into a vessel of water.
Pour that water into a larger body of natural water. Water is a master connector. With this ritual, you will surround the whole earth in your thanksgiving.