I love this time of year, when we feel Samhain approaching and the veils between dimensions growing thin. Whether we are consciously aware of the spirit world or not, as sensitive beings, we can all feel the shift in the air, as if our ancestor’s whispers are suddenly more audible. 

Samhain marks the magical midpoint between the Fall Equinox and the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere and the Celtic New Year that my ancestors loved so dearly. To me, Samhain is a time to remember what it means to honor everything we have and all those who came before us, to gather around the fire and reflect on the bounty of the harvest season while preparing for the deep rest and reflection of winter.

This time of year allows us to tap into our multidimensional selves, the dreamy self that lives within all of us. During this time of year, I am often visited by healers in my dreams, otherworldly beings who offer me their healing light. Have you had any insightful dreams as of late? 

Whether you are very familiar with or new to celebrating Samhain, I invite you to join me in honoring this beloved time. 

Here are a few simple ways to celebrate Samhain:

1. Honor what and who you have lost. Place objects from nature that remind you of your oldest and most ancient ancestors or those you have lost. Give thanks to all they have been through and all you have received from their wisdom. 

2. Communicate with your guides and ancestors by singing them songs and welcoming their messages, blessings, and visitations in your dreams, knowing you can always intend that everything that comes through be for the highest good of all.

3. Celebrate the great transformers: the mushrooms, the vultures, and the earthworms. Put gratitude into water and pour it into the earth, thanking the earth and her creatures for all their graceful ability to renew. 

If you’d like to celebrate Samhain with me, I invite you to join the most intimate gathering I have held in a long time in London on October 26th.

I also have one more 1:1 in-person Medicine Reading in Stockholm and a few spots for the Stockholm Medicine Reading Ceremony here.

I have also opened some online Medicine Reading spots near Samhain to bless your aura or receive insight during this powerful time of deep remembrance, as well as a second Medicine Reading Ceremony in New York, because 11/11 sold out so quickly.​


