All children are witches in the sense that they have an innate connection to the world of imagination, spirit and sensitivity.

Children teach us so much. They teach us how to fully feel our feelings, how to imagine without limitation, and how to transmute grief into tears, tears into laughter and laughter into creative magic.

Children tend to understand how to connect and most powerfully, they hold a knowing of their deep innocence, and an understanding that their curiosity is magic and that their intentions are good.

When we are small children, it can be jarring for our sensitive souls to experience anything other than unconditional love. When something shocking happens, sometimes a little piece of our inner child feels it is left behind or shut down.

When we call back our inner child, we have the ability to feel more energized, playful, cohesive and most importantly to reclaim the sense of wonder and awe that belongs to everyone and the a form of potent hope that has the power to change the world.


inner child healing ritual

Close your eyes.

Imagine yourself in the most beloved place you felt so safe in as a small child.

When you feel rooted in this place, invite an aspect of your inner child to appear.

Notice how they look, what they’re carrying or how they are feeling.

Invite them to sit with you and let you hold them. Respect their boundaries and let them be held or just sit near you.

Ask them if they have a message they would like to share with you at this time.

After they have shared their message, imagine putting the message into your heart. Invite them into your heart, as if they are able to merge back into who you are in the present. Respect their response to your invitation.

Thank them for the presence, their love, and their spirit. Let them know they are loved no matter what.

Close your eyes and feel their presence in your heart. Know you can repeat this process anytime. If you are called, journal about any insights.


