Photos by Ashley River Brant from my book Ritual Baths
In Medicine Readings, people often tell me they want to find their purpose. Maybe our purpose, the reason we all come into human form, is to grow. We grow toward becoming more and more loving. So, no matter what your occupation may be today, your ultimate purpose is to grow. There is a major difference between purpose and occupation. To be in alignment with our purpose, we simply need to allow the divine to work through us. We need to listen to divine will versus personal will. When personal will is working, there are a lot of I have tos and I shoulds. We can feel angst, and be stressed and uncertain. When it is divine will working through us, things may move a little more slowly, but rather than feeling overly nervous or excited, you will have a strong sense of peace. Things will flow and click together. You will feel you have angels looking out for you and helping you along the way.
If you feel overly nervous about something you are about to launch or a job you are about to take and things keep on somehow getting blocked, you are also being assisted by your angels. It’s just that your personal will doesn’t see it that way. You start to get frustrated and defeated and wonder why things never quite work out for you.
This is often when people turn to manifestation techniques like writing down everything they want specifically. This is where Yellows’ bright intellect can think they know better than the divine. Is what we want what we need? If you are telling the universe that you want something specifically, are you also telling the universe I know better than you? Are you really being trusting and patient in that moment, or are you being demanding and rushing?
When we are in alignment with our purpose, which plain and simply means that we are growing toward being more and more loving and kind, we can manifest just about anything. You will think of something you need and—poof—it will appear. A small example of this is one day, I was telling my husband how much I felt called to go to Morocco. The very next day someone who organizes retreats in Morocco reached out to see if I would lead a retreat there.
When we mistake our purpose for our career, we will often change jobs, start businesses and not really pursue them, or begin an education in a certain field and not finish it. But when we realize that our purpose is to grow, and specifically to grow more loving, we tap into an abundance of energy, which will bring clarity to the job that will help us fulfill our work in this world. That is our purpose.
We all have different rivers of purpose that flow into the large and vast ocean of love. If you are having a hard time getting clear on how you are meant to grow and flow, try creating a practice of kindness. Start opening doors for others and saying please and thank you. Begin by helping others and doing your part. This will activate the energy of love and soon you will find your way. Just don’t ever give up. It gets hard sometimes when we don’t know exactly where we are going, but think of the river; she has no idea that she will become the ocean, yet she still can find her way around or through just about anything. The only thing that feels true for her is to flow. This bath is designed for you to soak in the power of your purpose.
find my purpose ritual bath
1 cup Epsom salt
1 cup oat milk
1 lemon, sliced
Fresh basil leaves
Yellow rose petals
10 drops of sweet orange essential oil
Citrine crystal
Place all the ingredients in the bath at a temperature of your choosing.
Light a candle.
Create a smudge using copal by putting it in a non-flammable tray of some kind and igniting it. Waft the smoke around your body using a feather you have found.
Cleanse your aura again with a selenite wand.
Step into the bath and dunk your head underwater.
Place the citrine crystal on your belly.
Take a moment to surrender personal to divine will in your own way.
Understand that personal will is there only to work for what divine will wants to do through you.
Vow to let your instincts guide your intellect.
Soak for a while in this intention and medicine you’ve created.