beloved community, 

The composition of our bodies is 97% the same as the stars in the night sky. Perhaps this is why all over the world so many ancient cultures have a tradition of looking to the celestial choreography as a mirror for what we are experiencing personally and collectively.

This April, the month of initiation, not only do we have a dark moon (when two new moons occur within one month), but we are also in the midst of an eclipse season bringing forth times of transformation and accelerated change.

eclipse in taurus on april 30th

On April 30th, there is a partial Solar Eclipse in the sign of Taurus. Eclipses are times of cosmic realignment that often bring about unexpected events or deep internal shifts.

This eclipse is part of a series that takes place on the Taurus/Scorpio axis which began last year on November 19th. These eclipses challenge us to evolve our relationship with the earth, our personal power, our sensory bodies, and our depth. It’s a beautiful time to ask ourselves how deep we are willing to go in order to understand how powerful we are and to work with our power in alignment with what is in the highest good for our bodies and the Earth.

I’ll be sharing a little more about Beltane along with May’s Collective Aura Reading so very soon. Until then, here is an Eclipse Season Self Care Guide & A Dark Moon Ritual Bath.

May you be guided by your incredibly powerful heart,


Eclipse energy can feel erratic with so much shifting inside and around us.

For me, eclipses are a time to rest and focus on what grounds us, while allowing ourselves to be the objective observer of what needs to transform for the highest good of ourselves and all those connected to us. Here are three simple practices to navigate the partial solar eclipse.

  1. Challenge yourself to focus on patience. Rather than thinking of patience as inactivity, imagine patience as an action. Make extra time and space three days before and after the eclipse in your schedule to avoid rushing from one thing to another if you can. Even five minutes can shift your energy immensely. 

  2. Practice uncurling your toes and releasing micro-tension in your feet. The earth’s energy is so incredibly nurturing. One subtle way to receive more support is to relax the energy centers in our feet throughout the day. If possible, put your bare feet on the ground for five minutes everyday.

  3. Notice your relationship with receiving support. Times of change can exacerbate the feeling that we are alone in our experience. Is there someone you can connect with to hold space for you? Ten minutes with a dear friend you trust can be incredibly powerful.


dark moon ritual bath 

A bath to ground, soothe, and center.

The day before the Dark Moon, take a bowl of fresh spring water and place it under the sun or on a sunny windowsill. 

If it’s cloudy, light a candle and imagine the sun’s rays coming from the candle’s flames into the bowl of water.

Let this infuse with the sun or candle’s healing light for at least one hour. 

Pour one cup of sea salt into the sun water, stirring with your hands.

Imagine a protective golden light streaming out of your hands as you stir.

Fill the tub at the temperature of your choosing and pour the sun salt water into the bath in silence, listening deeply to the sound of the water’s meeting one another.

Step into the bath and imagine the sun’s light and ocean’s water entering every cell in your body, taking slow ocean breaths.

Challenge yourself to rest in the energy of the sun’s warmth and the ocean’s cleansing power for at least 15 minutes of silence.

Thank the water, the sea, and the light within your body for all it provides. 


