Today marks the New Moon in Pisces, an invitation into connect with the dreamer, the visionary, and the infinite nature of each one of us.

Since the moon is moving from an alignment with Saturn in the sky, you might be more able to access the discipline you need to bring your dreams to life. This new cycle is asking you to tune into your intuition to listen for the way forward.

How are the creative visions that come through for you able to serve both your personal growth and healing and that of the collective?

Simply shining your light like a star in the sky could inspire others to light up too, creating a whole constellation of healing.

Enjoy this New Moon Ritual for connecting to your infinite nature.

you are starstuff ritual


Fill a mason jar (or something with a lid) with drinkable water.

Spend time with your hand over the jar, sending blessings to the water.

Leave the jar out in a window or somewhere safe under the starry night sky on the New Moon’s night.

The next morning, at your altar, drink the water.

Envision the energy of starlight filling your entire body as you drink.

Close your eyes and put your hands on your heart.

With your inner eye, see the stardust dancing through your aura, helping you clear the way for any new creations that are asking to move through you.

Thank the stars for working with you and trust that their energy is available to you for support with your projects any time you need. After all, you are literally made of starstuff.

So it is.


