Every one of us carries incredible gifts we are meant to share with the world, to contribute to the collective in a way that honors our own divine nature.

These gifts are what I call your Witch Light, because they have the power to transform anything when you shine this light through your actions, words, creations, and your very being.

The witch’s light is the practice of loving-kindness. It’s the concept of being compassionate to every living thing and of doing no harm.

And witch craft is just the act of your creativity. If you’re making a quilt, if you’re making a painting, if you’re writing a poem, and you’re doing it from a place of love and wanting to help people to connect to beauty or with good intention behind it, you’re actually doing witch craft.

Today I’m putting forth an initiative to encourage you to shine your witch light in the world. The Witch Light Initiative is an invitation to call forth all the courage inside of you to defy the cultural conditioning that tries to dim your light. Shine bright, Beautiful Star, and share your expression with others. You never know — you might be the first star in the night’s sky who inspires a whole constellation to light up a dark night.

witch light ritual

Build an altar for yourself or add to the one you already have going. On your altar, put one item to represent each element and something that connects you to your inner witch.

Carve out some quiet time to sit at your altar.

Close down your eyes an turn inward.

Focus your energy on the kindness that lives within you, your inner glow, your brilliant bioluminescence. Where do you find it? Is it in your heart? Your witch’s eye? Your belly?

Allow this transformative power within you to grow.

Feel it pulsating through your aura and creating movement within your energy field.

After focusing for 5-10 minutes, open up your eyes and write down any ideas that have come through for creation.

Allow yourself the space to create freely, whether it’s now or later when the idea comes through.

If you’re feeling brave, share it with at least one person.

Sit with the transformative medicine you’ve created.


