In our True Nature, even fear is essential as an instinctual warning.
When fear rushes into our senses, our sympathetic nervous system responds with flight or fight to keep us safe. Fear is so strong that when it courses through our body, our hearts race, breath shortens, muscles tense, digestion stops. All we can feel is our fear.

Our Ego’s purpose is to keep us safe. When Ego takes control, it keeps us in baseline paranoia. We feel everyone is out to get us… we look to place blame... judgements set in... we postpone evolution and growth...become escape artists.

Why does ego fear what it doesn’t understand?

Our True Nature, the part of us that exists in the power of love, feels compassionately curious when we meet someone who is different or find ourselves in a place that is unfamiliar.

We know we have something to learn.

We put down our ego, and we listen.

This is how we collectively grow - we open ourselves to each other’s unique medicine.

Pronoia is the direct counterbalance to paranoia. Instead of feeling like the world is out to get us, we feel all of existence is conspiring to help us out. While fear can feel all-encompassing, it is no match for the power of love.

If you have been caught in a state of fear lately, try the Ritual below.

ritual to release paranoia

Surround yourself in a circle of stones to ground you.

In your mind’s eye, one by one, invite people, situations and places on the earth into your circle. Offer acceptance and understanding, compassion and forgiveness. Ultimately, offer love to them and to yourself, then wish them well as you see them exit your circle.

Suggested reading: Pronoia is the Antidote for Paranoia by Rob Brezsny


