My clients hold a mirror to this little Wild One that is so bright. I want to take a moment to honor the way in which with patience, presence and perseverance you experience the offerings, reflect and digest the medicine in your own unique way. 

 For sensitive souls, it’s so challenging to show up, share and speak. You show up with courage, grace and most importantly the liberation of non judgement for each other’s path and process. 

Early on in my healing journey I realized the path of a healer is often a lonely one. “Friends” who were so possessive of me would want to meet with me for dinner only to dump truck their issues onto me, not even ask me how I’m doing and then want to split the bill. These kinds of meetings would often leave me feeling tired and sad. I had to enforce strong boundaries. I reflected on what it was in me (that good ole self worth struggle + some pretty severe trust issues) that called people like this into my life.  I found my true friends in my spirit guides, plants, animals and then my tiny little family when they came through. The few true friends I had narrowed down to the early single digits.

Somewhere around 2015 I called in friendship. As you know from my writing on Demanifestation, it only feels aligned for my intentions to orbit around health and happiness. Friendship to me feels like an essential part of both. It took about a year but I met a true friend, a friend who sees me not only as a healer but also a human. She embraces me as I evolve, she mirrors to me eyes and actions exemplifying her pure spirit, immense love, respect and support. Since she came into my life, I’ve begun to welcome more true friends into my life, many who are healers in disguise, and now all of you…

Through my work, one thing I’ve observed is the true friendships that are coming through. This brings me so much joy! I see you mirror so much to each other. I love that you don’t feel pressure to connect in our sharing circles or community forum but you do when it feels right and when you do, the universe calls forth friendship for you. 

Our book of the month is Hafiz The Gift. 

I used the book as a divinatory tool for you today and found this poem, Dropping Keys. Please understand his pronoun usage, considering the time in which he wrote this…

The small man
Builds cages for everyone
While the sage,
Who has to duck his head
When the moon is low,
Keeps dropping keys all night long
For the



