As much as folks like to think they know the purpose of the great pyramids in Giza, they still to this day carry an elusive mystery. Some believe that the tops of the pyramids in Giza were once covered in an alchemical mixture of silver and gold and then covered in a royal cobalt blue with crushed Lapis Lazuli crystal paint. From an energetic standpoint there would be great purpose in this theory. 

A strong sense of balance can be felt inside the king's chamber of the great pyramid, not just from an architectural sense, but balance in every way. Silver represents the moon and gold represents the sun. Both are needed for balance, like the divine feminine and divine masculine energies within us. As someone who can see auras, the energy field around people, plants, animals, and even seemingly inanimate objects, the color I see when folks are in balance or focused on balance is a cobalt blue, just like the color of a Lapis Lazuli crystal which often carries silver and gold streams of color with them when you look closely. 

Balance seems to be created from a unification of opposite forces, and from balance a great strength is created. Anyone who has practiced yoga or played with blocks has observed this. There are so many opposing forces within us, urges to eat an ice cream sundae at the same time as running a few extra miles, falling in love while simultaneously taking stock of all the possible things that could go wrong. 

Within the collective consciousness, meaning the whole consciousness of all sentient beings, there are many different perspectives, feelings, hopes, and dreams, many that oppose each other. Unity Consciousness suggests that perhaps all opposing forces, feelings, and perspectives are needed in order for there to be balance. Where there is balance, there is wholeness, and where there is wholeness, there is healing. In addition to that, unity consciousness suggests that the fact that we are all so unique is what connects us. Like the arch of a bridge. And if we can begin to learn to appreciate the uniqueness of all sentient beings, then a great, immovable strength could be created. 

Long ago in human consciousness we were taught that same = safe. If someone looks, acts, and speaks like us, then we are probably safe with them. Perhaps we can trace this back all the way to the cradle of humanity when early humans realized that we are pack animals and may have had to battle other packs of humans, animals, and the elements for survival needs. A groove formed in the human brain that taught us to distrust anyone and anything that could be perceived as “other,” probably around the same time that another groove formed to make us greedy creatures. But what if all of us, including the animals, plants, and waters are part of the same pack? 

Some wounds are as old as humanity, but that doesn’t mean they can’t be healed. Through balance, healing is always possible no matter how old the wound. Just because this mistrust of each other is maybe all we have ever known doesn’t make it right and doesn’t mean it is something that still serves us. 

I don’t know what happens before we are born or after we die, and I don’t really trust anyone who says they do. But I have a theory that our unique spirit comes back again and again until we fulfill the quest of our souls. Maybe the quest of the human soul, the ocean to which we all belong, is to begin to understand how we are all connected, that harm toward oneself is felt throughout all of creation, that no action is without reaction. Maybe the quest of the human soul is Unity Consciousness. 

In the human year of 2023, we see so much heartbreaking catastrophe that the world can be hard to make sense of. In the darkest moments of it all I ask myself if we will ever be able to fulfill this human quest? But I’m an optimist, and I think with love, balance, and mercy all things are possible.

As an old millennial, I was super excited about the advancements in modern technology. Now as I walk down the streets of New York and have to dodge folks who are too addicted to look up from their screens, I feel so concerned. We used to be able to remember phone numbers, directions, and correct annunciation/grammar of our mother tongue.  We don’t have to remember these things anymore because our sense of direction is outsourced to an all knowing machine we give much power to that fits right into the palm of our hands. Hands, bent into position of holding this device even when it’s not in hand, fingers crumpled, no longer outstretched in their natural position of giving and receiving. 

So many studies come out about the dangers of smartphones, and yet we also don’t know how we ever lived without them. And even though I’ve done pretty well on it, one of the most concerning things I’ve seen about all the advancements in technology is social media, and along with it the total loss of the comfort of anonymity. 

It is wise to be very aware of the “divide and conquer” tactics that are being used. 

We are much easier to control when we are divided and isolated.

We need to let go of old habits and patterns that are not serving us collectively. 

We need to stop falling into the fear trap. 

There is nothing wrong with looking at what someone else is doing and thinking about how you would do it differently. But do that. DO it differently, lead others by example. This is what you do when you believe in people; you trust their paths, you trust they are also here to grow, you are patient. It is so wise and so just to want to make a difference, but a difference can only be made when it is free of righteousness and the intent to cause harm. 

Unity Consciousness is simply the ascension into the understanding that we are all in this together. We have to take care of each other, respect each other, and understand that every thought we think, word we say, and action we take has a ripple effect that can help us rise or fall…. together. 

Integrating the awareness of the harm that social media can cause while also perhaps being a business owner or just someone who wants to connect with others online can be tricky. The key is moderation. Are you addicted to scrolling?

Test yourself and try this…

Take a break from your electronics, go outside undistracted, and connect with people IRL. Leave your phone behind, sit through the awkward and lonely moments, and see what gifts these moments have for you. 

If I suggest this, does it sound crazy? Impossible? Do you find yourself immediately making excuses for why you can’t go outside without your phone? If you tried it, was it hard? Did you regret it? Or did you lean in to the sweet serendipity of presence? 

Unity Consciousness is felt through our ability to be present and has a very strong bliss to it. We find we are no longer able to connect to others through complaining or through talking about something that happened in the past as we miss what's happening in the present. The awareness of unity leaves us with very little to prove, for as I feel myself a part of everything, then your success is also mine. Untethered, you step out of the need to define yourself and others, and you challenge the ways you have tried to take shape in the molds that have been poured for you. You are no longer afraid to think for yourself and ask the questions that no one else will ask. You are productive, responsible, and free. When we see the illusion of the superficial boundaries we placed between ourselves and others for what it is, we are also able to see the unique responsibility we have toward Unity Consciousness. While we are a part of all of life, something would be missing without us, for an ocean is made from several water drops coming together. 

Just like the words “Divine Feminine” have been co-opted to sell women insecurity and vengeance, we must use discernment and be very careful of folks out there in spiritual or political realms who have co-opted the words “Unity Consciousness.” They like the way these words make them sound, but they are not balanced, present, and they are not practitioners of unity in any way. 

In the spirit of being your own healer, it may be best to discover Unity Consciousness for yourself by discovering the places in you that are needing balance for metamorphosis begins on the inside for us all. Do you get enough play? Do you get enough rest? Discovering any discomfort you may have with presence? Why the need to be so distracted? Perhaps even finding ways to have acceptance, understanding, compassion, and forgiveness for those who you feel are or were perpetrators of atrocious behavior, seeing the wounds in them that festered and caused them to react in a certain way that caused harm. It could be that these discoveries begin to set you free from your loneliness, your torment, your anxiety. These practices are not easy, but maybe that is because the quest of  Unity Consciousness could set us free.  

Blessed Heart, 

Rebel and be happy with what you have, with where you are, take care of who you love; this is true freedom. And through this sacred rebellion you create an action that helps to set all other sentient beings happy and free. 



