The witch’s wand connects us to the energy of our divine masculine, the aspect of us that is action-oriented and initiates things.

When we manifest a wand, whether we do this in 3D form or in the psychic realm, we catalyze our intentions. Intentions are a powerful vehicle for bringing forth what we want to create, and are most powerful when we focus on happiness, health, and healing into the world.

Wands are especially useful when we want to initiate a new mindset, thought-form, or a structure to help us achieve our goals.

Try this ritual to work with the wand to help you bring this lunation’s dreams into reality.


wand ritual

Manifest your wand in the physical realm!

Spend some time in nature, foraging fallen materials that could be used to craft wand. Maybe it’s a pine branch, a stick, or a piece of driftwood.

Be sure to ask for an energetic “yes” when taking the item from nature and listen for the response.

Get creative — maybe you find a feather, a gemstone, or a fallen butterfly wing to add to it.

Use a biodegradable material, like jute, yucca leaves, leek leaves, etc. to tie your findings together to create the wand shape.

As you weave everything together, imagine binding in the intention of the good of all beings into your wand.

Place your wand on your altar or have it with you while you set intentions for this new lunation.


