Let’s take a moment, a deep breath, and a sense of honor for all that we have cleared in 2020. That was a lot of work, and yes, there is more work to do, 2020 was preparing us for 2021 and 2021 will prepare us for 2022. But work isn’t always about massive upheaval and clearing. Work can also be about creative visioning, followed by building the dream, followed by sustaining, maintaining and more clearing so the dream has space to grow.  The work is never done, Beloved. Try to leave what “your work” means undefined. Let it be formless. Not for personal gain or recognition, but for allowing Love to move through you. If there were a poem for 2021 it would be this:

Work. Keep digging your well.

Don't think about getting off from work.

Water is there somewhere.

Submit to a daily practice.

Your loyalty to that

is a ring on the door.

Keep knocking, and the joy inside

will eventually open a window

and look out to see who's there. ~Rumi

The new moon in loving and honorable Capricorn on January 13th creates space for us to be clear on not only what our work in the world is but also how it is meant to flow through us. 

Pure Heart, 

The work I speak of is not one of adrenal fatigue and burnout. It is also not scheming and cultivating. When you work in this way it is your ego trying to hold you back and keep you small -- you won’t get very far. The work I speak of is one of having the honor for a brief and fleeting moment to be fully human. You may have begun this work around 12/21/12.  It is the work of unity between our intellect and our intuition. The Divine Feminine and The Divine Masculine channels within us, fully open. 

Sometimes it’s helpful to know the way, or to have an external guide that can show us, other times we navigate through trial and error. 2021 will ask you to challenge yourself, relinquish who you thought you were or who you thought you were supposed to be. The old way, the old me, the old you is gone. This is the medicine of Rebirth. While we learn to walk we may take a few tumbles. 

So hear this Diamond Spirit; don’t be afraid of your blessed mistakes. 

The January 28th, Full Wolf Moon in Wild and Creative Leo, invites us to explore the potential of what could happen if we allowed ourselves to be a bit less tame and tucked in. 

Try this: Break your own rules (the ones put in place by ego). Step out of creative safety. Make a mess, get paint in your hair and on your face, notice how wild and free you feel. No dread, anger or tears necessary, but if these things arise allow them, they are part of your healing. Think of Bob Ross and his saying “happy little accidents.” The Mercury Retrograde beginning on January 30th, will bring about it’s own creative chaos so why not warm up for it now? 


Child of the Earth, pour yourself a bath with white pine, mugwort, (skip both plants if pregnant or breastfeeding) clear quartz crystal, and heaps of salt. While you are in the bath, place the quartz crystal on that big beautiful heart of yours, massage the palms of your hands and say this:

I honor where I’ve been but it does not define me.

There is so much more to me than what I appear to be. 

Illusions of perfection released.

I honor my flaws and what they have taught me. 

The clean up of every mess I’ve made. 

However slowly, learning how to break the loop and not repeat the same mistake. 

The tools I’ve been given, this body, this mind, this voice, this time, I will take good care of them and use them wisely. 

I will do my work well and mindfully. 

Remembering always

The children are everything to me. 


