In June, the month of vision, we have a Strawberry Full Super Moon on June 14th. Super moons occur when the moon is especially close to the earth and appears much larger in the sky. This moon is the closest supermoon of the year.

So close that if the sky is clear, one might be able to see the moon’s craters with binoculars. In the Algonquin tradition, this lunation is referred to as the strawberry moon as it occurs when these red berries of summer are ripe for harvest, and in Europe, this moon is called the honey or rose moon, also for their respective times of gathering.

Strawberry, rose, and honey are brilliant symbols of the divine feminine: lush with scent and dripping with sweetness, but deceptively powerful and unrelentingly gentle with their medicine. What sweetness are you willing to enjoy and express with unabashed wildness?

During this month of vision, inspired by the wild strawberry’s medicine of aiding in both detoxification and fertility, here is a Strawberry Full Super Moon Ritual.


Wild strawberries in particular were used medicinally in North America to promote fertility, and in Asia the leaves were used as a detoxifying tea.

During this month of vision, inspired by the wild strawberry’s medicine of aiding in both detoxification and fertility, here is a Strawberry Full Super Moon Ritual.


A glass or clear bowl of water
1 cup of wild strawberries (substitute for organic strawberries if this is not possible)
1 pot of wild strawberry leaf tea
A journal and a pen

When the moon is visible, go outside and gaze into the full moon. (You can still work with the full moon’s energy up to 24 hours after the moon is full.) For at least six minutes, breathe deeply in silence and stillness, imagining that the moon is sending her visionary energy to your third eye, the space between your eyebrows. 

If you can’t see the moon, close your eyes, slow down your breathing, and tune into the full moon’s energy internally.

Take out your journal and note any insights coming through and if you are called, ask yourself:

What visions are coming through for me at this time?
What needs to be purified or detoxified in order for me to create a supportive environment to nurture these creations. 

Leave your water vessel on a window sill or under the moonlight overnight.

The next morning or after the water has been infused with a few hours of moonlight, brew a pot of wild strawberry leaf tea. Run a bath for yourself at the temperature of your choosing, adding the strawberries, and all but one cup of the wild strawberry leaf tea into the bath along with your moon water. 

Dunk your head underwater, close your eyes, and imagine your visions being fully supported with all that you need to create them for the highest good of all involved. Involve your senses, imagining what it would feel like to bring your visions to life.

Soak in the energy of your visions for at least 10 minutes of silence. 

After the bath, drink one cup of strawberry leaf tea while journaling any visions that have revealed themselves, remembering not to rush or force them into being. 

Share the water from your bath (provided you have not added any salt to it) by pouring it into the earth as a thank you for her creations. Thank the moon for teaching you how to grow, change, and evolve. 


