We are born seekers of love. To be held and adored is our birthright.

I can’t say for sure what happens before we are born or after we die, but I think each of us has a question, a quest and a purpose in our souls. We choose our parents but we especially choose the mother that will best help us achieve the quest that our soul has set out for by choosing to be embodied.

For some of us, that means choosing a mother who will be very nurturing, loving and kind. For others that means choosing a “smother mother”; loving to a fault but who also has her own fixed positions about what is best for us. Sometimes we choose a mother who will show us the shadowy aspects of the collective consciousness at an early age. Because our mother is the most important relationship, if we don’t learn from her what we need to when we are young, we tend to carry our question, quest, purpose into romantic relationships. For example, if you had a mom that wasn’t very present with you as a child, do you now somehow end up with partners that are unavailable in some way geographically, emotionally, professionally?

True Love, Divine Love, begins when we are able to see our own divinity.
We are so connected and a part of the ever-receptive energy of the divine feminine. We are so open to love we just need to see it and to do. We need to begin at the deepest layers of what we could be carrying that could keep us separated from the truth that we are love and light.

ritual for reparenting yourself

Even if we have a wonderful relationship with our mother, we carry the energy of wanting to be seen by her. We all know that if we want to find true love we first must love ourselves — and we must start by acknowledging ourselves. That faint whisper of an inner voice calling out to your unrequited creative passions… start listening to it… grounding dreams down into reality. For yourself, by yourself.

As a journal practice, ask yourself, who am I seeking acknowledgement from and why? Write down everyone; see if there is a common thread in the “why”. See if this common thread can be linked back to your mother energy.
Is there a counter balance that can be offered to this acknowledgement you are seeking from outside? Is there a way to offer it to yourself?

After you are done with the cerebral practice of journaling, hop into your spiritual self by taking a moment to create an offering to the earth; a prayer, a song, a clipping of your hair, some dried herbs. Take a moment to acknowledge and give gratitude to the earth and feel how all of the nature you see around you is also within you.


